Life is just so unpredictable with its unexpected twists & turns...
Sunday, October 16, 2005,10/16/2005 12:56:00 AM
Voyuerism hmmm...
Hi people..A levels are coming up..nevertheless i shall bring to u the entry for the month..(there's only one entry a month isnt it..^^) topic maybe a bit odd..well..let's talk about it anyways..keep a open mind ya..dun take it too serious..ok here goes..

Voyuerism(is that how u spell it??)..hmm..definition..if i'm not wrong it is to secretly monitor people..without their permission..especially towards girls..(well i havent seen reports of girls monitoring guys..i suppose the guys wouldnt mind..^^)..Wondered why people do it..despite knowing all the consequences.??well i came up with 2 reasons..the 1st one is rather simple to comprehend..that is..the plain horninest(is that how u spell it??) within the male body..history has shown males going to very far extentin order to satisfy themselves psychologically and physically..for order to peep at girls, absail down the top of the building..(hmm maybe they were from the mountaineering society practising they skills..)

2nd reason is the thrill of committing it..i suddenly thought of this idea..voyuerism is just like shoplifting..You know it is against the's not like u lack money or how do u explain why people shoplift?? the more appropriate reason would have to be the excitment one gets from doing so..why do people get excited.?? it is like doing something which makes u feel u are cleverer than the police..cleverer than the victims of ur action..sames goes for voyuerism..maybe after u take someone photo without him or her knowing, naturally you feel proud of yourself having being able to do wat is said the impossible..and that itself is the thrill i'm talking about..

so the moral of the story is there are many other ways to seek thrill..different ppl have different preferences..whichever way u choose..if it's good, good for you, if it's bad ,better dun get caught..and girls..why do u think boys voyuer???the answer is boys have a low resistance towards short skirts...(i suppose so..^^)so..dress appropriately girls..^^
posted by Eugene
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